
Hi! And welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Introductions first. My name is Christina but I also by Tina. I'm a twenty-something trying to figure out life. 

I'm a Northern Virginia (DC) gal but I have strong ties to Charlotte and I'm obsessed with NYC. I love going to different cities and trying new things. 

I'm a daughter, friend, girlfriend, and fur mom. I have two fur daughters - a ten year old cat named Zoey and a fast growing Corgi puppy named Joey. Yes, that's right, Zoey and Joey! I'm also a pop culture enthusiast, Frank Sinatra lover, Fall & Winter addict and I tend to Google everything - and I mean, EVERYTHING. And I may or may not have an obsession with Target, but then again, who doesn't?

I've done this whole blog thing too many times to count, and I think what my biggest downfall has been is that I always felt the need to find a niche. I've decided to stop focusing on that and to just write. So here we go, again.

I hope you enjoy my blog, even if it's just a single post or even a single sentence. Feel free to comment or contact me!

1 comment :

  1. Hi Christina,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I also live in Northern, VA :)

    Just wanted to stop by yours as well and tell you I love the design! It's so pretty. Consider me a new follower!

    - Brit
