Friday, December 27, 2013

Favorite Commercials/Ads of 2013

One thing about me is I love commercials with real effort and meaning put into them. I've put a list of my favorite commercials/ads of 2013. Most are emotional/meaningful but there are a few funny too. They are in no particular order but they're all great. Here we go!

1. Guinness Friendship

When I first saw this commercial, I wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen or how it related to beer but when everyone stood up out of the wheelchairs except for one, I realized. True friends will stick by and do anything to support eachother. Love it.

2. Extra Origami

OK - I LOVE how touching this GUM commercial is. Whoever thought of it is a genius. I cried the first time I saw this and I still tear up everytime it comes on. Something about a father and his daughter always tugs on my heart. I see this and text my dad. No matter how much I grow up, no matter how far we are from eachother, I'll always be his little girl. - Also, whoever made all those origami pieces definitely deserves major kudos.

3. Dove Beauty Campaign

Dove does great things for women. They truly want women to see themselves in a better and more positive light. This campaign is just amazing. It really made me think of how I would describe myself compared to someone else. Most people have seen the version I posted above, which is 3 minutes, but there is also a longer, 6 minute version. Ladies, you're more beautiful than you think!

4. Target College Acceptance

This commercial makes me so happy. Target has always donated money to schools but I'm not sure how many people actually now that. This was their way to let people know that they do but this commercial means so much more. It shows us the way students and parents feel when they read those words, when they realize their lives are changing and they're receiving the opportunity to go to college.

5. Apple Holiday

In my teen years, I never got to spend many holidays with my family and I'm an only child, so I was always bored. This commercial though, oh goodness, it's amazing. It made me want to spend time with my cousins and big family and have a blast. The commercial itself says a lot though. Teens love their smartphones. The kid looked miserable the entire time until we realized what he was doing, making a home video. A lot of people are saying negative things about this commercial stating it just proves how technology distances people from the real world, but that clearly wasn't the message of this commercial. Haters gonna hate. I loved it.

6. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split

If you haven't seen this by now, there's a problem. This commercial blew up faster than the eye could blink. 65+ million views in a little over ONE month. Volvo did an amazing job showing off their product with one of the biggest names in martial arts films EVER. JEEZ, this commercial = mind blown. Volvo + Jean-Claude Van Damme + Enya = amazingness. Enough said.

7. Geico Hump Day

Hahahahha, just haha. The commercial is actually kind of stupid but it's just too funny not to give credit to.

8. Robinson Pals

Robinsons is a British brand, so I'm sure many of you haven't seen this but it's a great commercial. Two kids playing and having the day of their lives together, turns out one is actually the father. Believe it or not, kids actually love playing with their parents (when they're fun parents :P).

9. Kia Hamsters - Applause

You know a commercial is good when you hear a song from the commercial and think of the product and not the singer. I hear applause, I think the Kia Hamsters not Lady Gaga. Also, when someone says "Kia Soul" I think Hamsters, not the car.

10. Giving is the Best Communication - Thai

I don't know how I came across this commercial nor do I even know who made the ad. One thing I do know, is this is beautiful. The story, the message, the phrase "Giving is the Best Communication" is amazing. Be good to others.

11. Chipotle Scarecrow

I just saw this about a week ago, but it was beautifully done with its animation. Chipotle made this as an ad for themselves and an ad for their new scarecrow game. It's been on every single "best commercial" ad I've seen.

12. GoldieBox Girls

This commercial is just too cute. Girls are more than tutus and tiaras. Cute, right?

There are a ton of more great commercials from this year, but these are probably my top favorites. What do you all think? Any commercials that you absolutely love and I missed? -- What will be on my next favorites of 2013? You'll have to wait and see!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Belated Happy Holidays

Hi! I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas and holiday, I know I did. Gosh, I really got wrapped up in the holidays and went MIA on blogging even though my plan was to blog more! But even more than that, a lot has happened in my life this month.

Let's start with Christmas!
This is our happy little tree. You may have seen it on my IG if you follow me. My boyfriend and I don't live together but he has the basement to himself so we set up out tree and put all our presents underneath it. This is our third year using this tree and it is just so stinkin' cute.

And here we are in front of his parents' tree. Our Christmas involved balancing my family and his. We're getting better at it every year so that's good. We just can't wait until we have our own place. -- I wish we would have taken more pictures, but that's ok. We had a great Christmas this year and I hope you all did too!

Big life news!
As I previously mentioned, I got a new job. I am beyond thrilled. I started the second week of December and it has been amazing so far. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful. This company is just beyond amazing and I am so blessed and honored to be given this opportunity and I'm finally able to get my career started. This is officially the first thing I get to scratch off my 30 Before 30 list!

I also get to scratch off a second thing. I bought a new car! A BRAND-SPANKEN-NEW car. I am so happy and excited! I had been saving and waiting to start my new job so I would be able to do this and it finally happened. I'll have to take a picture and post it but weeee, making big girl moves. This is awesome! 

I can't wait to be able to cross more off my list. I'm planning to do a couple more things in the next few months so I'm really excited.

Anyway, I am going to head off for now and go read up on others' amazing holiday posts. Talk to you all soon!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mexican Fajita Dinner

Hi! I hope you all have been having a good few days, or week since my last post. Or was it even longer? I'm losing track. The holidays really do throw everything off. This Sunday we (in the Northern Virginia area) got a pretty nice snow storm. Pretty much everything was closed yesterday and today.

So what's there to do while snowed in? Cook! I did lots of cooking these past few days and I loved it. I love to cook! Tonight I'm going to share two new recipes that I found with you. Actually, my friend Autumn found the recipes, so I won't take credit for that. We also did not actually cook these during the snow storm, we actually cooked it last week. I mean, that's ok, right?

Well, here we go. 

Oven Baked Chicken Fajitas


  • 2.5 - 3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 4 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 4 tsp chili powder
  • 4 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp fresh cracked pepper
  • 1/2 package of taco seasoning
  • 1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes with green chilies
  • 3/4 medium onion
  • 1 large green pepper
  • 1 large red pepper

Extra Ingredients

  • Large Flour Tortillas
  • Sour Cream
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Guacamole

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. While oven is preheating, cut chicken, onion and both peppers into strips. 
  2. In a large bowl combine the oil, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, dried oregano, salt, pepper and taco seasoning. Add chicken, onions and peppers and toss to mix and coat.
  3. Once everything is seasoned, add tomatoes and toss.
  4. Place everything in a 15x10 baking dish.
  5. Bake uncovered for 35-40 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly and vegetables are tender. 
  6. Serve on tortillas with desired toppings. 

Skinny Taco Dip

  • 8 oz 1/3 less fat Philadelphia cream cheese
  • 8 oz reduced fat sour cream
  • 16 oz jar mild salsa
  • 1/2 packet taco seasoning
  • 2 cups iceberg lettuce, shredded
  • 2 large tomatoes, diced
  • 1 cup reduced fat shredded 4 Cheese Mexican
  • 1 (2.25 oz) can sliced black olives

  1. In a large bowl combine cream cheese, sour cream, salsa and taco seasoning and mix well.
  2. Spread on the bottom of a large shallow glass dish (I used a 13x9 baking pan).
  3. Top with lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese and black olives.

We ate ours with Tostitos Scoops! Fajita Flavored Tortilla Chips and it was amazing. This dip is SO good it’s ridiculous and the chips are realllllllly good too. And let me tell you, as soon as you try this dip, your mouth will be in heaven.

I think next time I will be adding in ground chicken (or turkey), adding more (a lot more) lettuce and making it into a salad. Clearly I won't eat the whole entire bowl, I'll just portion it.

On a side note, I officially have proof that someone has made one of my recipes! My boyfriend's cousin (who is also my friend) and his wonderful fiancé sent me a picture the other day of their version of my Greek Inspired Dinner and said, "Thanks for the recipe!" I was SO excited! -- Thanks for reading my blog and trying one of my recipes guys!

I hope you all have been trying my recipes too and are enjoying them. I know I'll have to write more about non-food related stuff and don't worry, I will. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone. Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holiday Treats & My Goodbye to Falcons

Hello! Wow, it's been a while since I've posted a real post. A lot has happened in the past few weeks and I decided to wait because I didn't want to jinx anything. 

So, here it is: I got a new job! It's been 11 months since I graduated and had such a hard time finding a job in my field (Public Relations). It took me a while to really understand that a lot (a majority) of people don't find a job right when they graduate. I spent this year really getting to know myself and to fully realize what I want to do in life. I am so happy to finally have been selected for a wonderful opportunity. I don't want to go on and on about it (which I could) but I am beyond excited! 

Yesterday was my last day at Falcons Landing and it was kind of tough. I have been there through half of HS, all through college and until now. They are the most supportive people ever. The employees and residents are just so amazing. I have decided to stay there part time but I hope I'll actually get to come back enough!

But to lighten the mood on my last day, they also did their annual Christmas tree lighting. 
A bunch of the residents came down for the lighting. Everyone sang Christmas carols, drank hot cocoa and ate some cookies.

It was so fun and so beautiful. I love all the decorations that Falcons puts out.

So, in honor of the holidays and me leaving, I decided to bring in some treats as a sweet farewell. 

Peppermint Bark
Items Needed:
Baking Sheet
Parchment Paper
2 Bowls (Or you can use one and wash it in between chocolates)
Butcher knife
Cutting board
Baking Items:
(You can use different chocolates such as Ghirardelli, Nestle, Wiltons, etc -- The ones I'm listing are what I used)
3 bags of Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Chips
2 bags of Wilton's Candy Melts - Candy Cane Colorburst
1 bag of Wilton's Candy Melts - White
10-12 Candycanes
1. Line baking sheet with parchment paper
2. Pour one bag of milk chocolate in bowl, microwave for about 1 minute (it will not be fully melted) and stir. It will melt more as you stir. Pour second bag of milk chocolate in the bowl, microwave for about 20 seconds and stir again. Continue until all bags of chocolate are fully melted.
3. Pour milk chocolate on the parchment paper lined baking sheet and spread evenly. Place on a flat surface in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, until hardened. 
4. (While the first layer is hardening) Place unwrapped candycanes in a freezer bag (I say freezer because the bag is thicker) and crush the candycanes into small pieces.
5. Following the same melting process for the milk chocolate, start with one Candy Cane, then the white and finish with the second Candy Cane.
6. Pour and spread the top layer on top of the milk chocolate, spreading evenly on top.
7. Sprinkle the crushed candycanes on top of the wet top layer.
8. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes for the top to harden.
9. Once all hardened, remove from wax paper and place on cutting board. Cut into pieces!
10. Enjoy!

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rods
Items Needed:
Baking Sheet

1 bag of Nestle White Chocolate Chips
1 bag of Snyder's Pretzel Rods

1. Linke baking sheet with parchment paper
2. Pour bag of chocolate in a bowl, melt for about 45 seconds and stir.
3. Dip pretzel rod in chocolate, about halfway
4. Sprinkle sprinkles (hehe) or crushed candycanes on top
5. Lay on parchment paper lined baking sheet to harden
6. Continue until you're out of pretzels or chocolate
7. Enjoy!

I got way too excited and bagged them up even taking photos. I'm sorry there aren't better photos. I'm also happy to say that I have a few posts prepped, I just need to set them up and I promise I won't disappear more. Unless I just get so wrapped up in my new job that I can't post anymore. ;) I tease. I have a lot of plans! I hope you all have a wonderful December and holiday season. I'll talk to you soon!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Favorite Christmas Movies

Hello, hello! I know it's been a bit long since my last post so I'll just admit it, I have been really side tracked with Thanksgiving and a few other things going on. But now that it's officially December (Hello, December!) it's okay to go all crazy with the holiday/Christmas decorations and moods. 

The first thing I always do to officially kick off my holiday season is to watch some Christmas movies. There are about 4 movies that I watch religiously during the holidays (meaning I watch them at least 5 times each season and throughout the year) but there are many others that I also like. Today I want to share some of my favorite holiday movies with you!

Home Alone - 1990
Because, well, who doesn't? 

Home Alone 2, Lost in NY - 1992
I definitely love Lost in NY more than the first. Mainly because I love NY and the scenery is just so beautiful but also because the bird lady touches me more than the old man from the first. 

Home Alone 3 - 1997
Yes, I actually really like Home Alone 3. I think Alex Linz is just adorable and I liked him in One Fine Day too. Plus, I really like the four different villains. And some random Home Alone trivia for you: Scarlett Johansson is the big sister (a lot of people still don't know that!) and this is the only Home Alone to be set after Christmas. 

Jingle All the Way - 1996
I LOVE Jingle All the Way. I seriously watch this movie at least 10 times throughout the year (not Holiday season). It really surprises me that so many people haven't seen this movie. What is wrong with them?! 

The Santa Clause - 1994
The Santa Clause is awesome, just plain awesome. I think the first is really good and the others, not so much. I mean, they're good and I'll watch them but they're nothing compared to the first.

Elf - 2003
OK, yes, Elf is good. It's a good movie and provides good laughs but I am not addicted to it like so many others are. I don't have every line memorized and I don't watch it a million times a year but it is still one of my top holiday movies. Am I weird?

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - 1989
"I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery." -- I'm never in misery at Christmas but if you are, I suggest you watch Christmas Vacation. It's not exactly a family movie but boy, is it hilarious!

It's a Wonderful Life - 1946
A true classic. Also, the first play I ever did was It's a Wonderful Life. It is one of the best memories I have, I met a lot of wonderful people and it's an amazing play/movie/story. 

What are your favorite holiday movies? Did I miss anything that you think I'm absolutely crazy for leaving off? You know what I did leave off.. my love for Lifetime & Hallmark Christmas movies. Yes, I record as many as I can, I have marathons and I love every minute of them.

I hope you all have a fabulous week! And now that it's December, I have a feeling I'll be posting a lot more. Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Greek Inspired Dinner

Hello! I hope you are all having a great week because I know I am! Today's post will be a Greek inspired recipe that I found through Pinterest from the website Budget Bytes. We used their recipes for Greek Marinated ChickenLemony Cucumber Couscous Salad and our own roasted asparagus.

One of my best friends, Vikkie (Hi Vik!), came over to help me with this. We absolutely love cooking together so this was a blast! She also took all of the photos because she wanted to test out the camera and guess what, she's an awesome picture taker! So here we go.

Greek Marinated Chicken
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil 
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced 
  • ½ Tbsp dried oregano 
  • ½ medium lemon 
  • salt 
  • fresh cracked pepper 
  • ¼ bunch fresh parsley 
  • 3½ to 4 lbs chicken pieces, thighs & drumsticks
  1. To make the marinade, combine the yogurt, olive oil, minced garlic, oregano, salt, and some freshly cracked pepper in a bowl. Also add the juice from half of the lemon. Stir until the ingredients are well combined. Roughly chop a big handful, or about ¼ bunch, of parsley and stir it into the marinade.
  2. Add the chicken pieces and marinade in a gallon sized ziplock bag. Remove as much air as possible, close the bag tightly, and massage the bag to mix the contents and make sure the chicken is well coated. Refrigerate the bag for 30 minutes.
  3. After marinating for 30 minutes, either cook the chicken on a grill OR preheat the oven to 375 degrees in preparation to bake the chicken.
  4. To bake the chicken, place the chicken pieces in a large casserole dish. Bake the chicken at 375 degree for 45 then up the temperature to 400 degrees for the last 10 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

Lemony Cucumber Couscous 

  • 1 8 oz box of Trader Joe's Israeli Couscous 
  • 2 Persian cucumbers 
  • ¼ bunch parsley 
  • ½ medium lemon 
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil 
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder 
  • salt 
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • 3 oz. crumbled feta cheese 
  1. Bring a medium pot of water to a rolling boil. Add the couscous and continue to let it boil for about 5 minutes. Drain the couscous in a wire mesh colander (this helps avoid having the couscous fall through the holes). Rinse briefly with cool water to cool off the couscous and then place in the fridge until ready to finish the recipe.
  2. Cut the cucumber into quarter rounds and place them in a large bowl. Take a big handful (or about ¼ bunch) of parsley and roughly chop the parsley and then add it to the bowl with the cucumbers.
  3. In a small bowl, squeeze the juice from the half lemon. Add the olive oil, garlic powder, salt, and some freshly cracked pepper. Stir to combine. Taste and add more ingredients according to taste.
  4. Combine the cooled couscous, cucumbers, parsley and crumbled feta. Pour the dressing all over and gently stir to combine all of the ingredients. Taste and adjust the salt and pepper as needed. Chill for about 10 minutes before serving. 

Roasted Asparagus 

  • asparagus
  • white wine
  • lemon juice 
  • olive oil
  • salt 
  • fresh cracked pepper 

  1. Place asparagus in a gallon sized ziplock bag. Add white wine, lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper to taste. 
  2. Allow asparagus to marinate while oven preheats to 375 degrees.
  3. Once preheated, place in oven and roast for about 25 minutes. 

First I'd like to say that we do not take credit for creating the chicken or couscous salad recipes. We used the recipes from Budget Bytes and adjusted accordingly. The only thing we would do different is marinate the chicken overnight. 

This whole process took about two hours because we kept stopping to take pictures. But don't worry, we had appetizers to helps us last until dinner.

And the final result, ta dah!

This was probably one of the best dinners I have had in a long time. The couscous was beyond amazing and the chicken was just so good. I hope you all enjoy this dinner as much as we did. Let me know what you think! Talk to you all soon. :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mini Sephora Shopping Spree

I know I haven't written in a while but I have been crazy busy lately. Hopefully something good will come from all of it and then I will be able to share some good news. I've also been waiting a bit because I have done a ton of online shopping lately and I wanted to make sure I had everything in before I posted. 

Ever since I became a Sephora Beauty Insider (it's their system to track purchases, gain points, get free stuff, etc) I have seriously spent way too much money. I love the gift sets that come out during the holiday seasons and made sure to go through almost the entire Sephora website. I only told myself to buy one and I actually succeeded. My purchase included Too Faced - All I Want for Christmas gift set and Philosophy Purity (which I use religiously with my Clarisonic) and Holly Jolly Nourishment sample (free with purchase) and three samples (which they always do - except they sent me an extra one). 

I used to hate online shopping and for the most part, I still do. I will not buy clothes online unless I know my size for a fact. Beauty products, eh, I'll buy things every now and then. I guess I was in a serious mood this time. So since I didn't get to see anything before I bought it, I'll show you how they turned out.

When I first went to the Sephora website I had already had this set in mind after hearing about it on YouTube somewhere. After seeing what was available at the time, I really liked this one and what it gave.

This is what it came with
- Exclusive Blush/Eye Shadow Trio Compact -- I love the blush. I wish it a) had a name and b) could be bought individually. The eyeshadows are good too but I haven't used them that much yet. I don't normally wear eyeshadow during the workweek. 
- La Crème Lip Cream in Believe -- This I also really like. The shade of this lipstick really works with my skin and gives me just enough color on the lips.
- Perfect Eyes Eye Liner in Perfect Black -- Yup, I liked this one too. I'm actually almost out of it already. However, I do not think I will be buying a full size because even then it is really small and not worth $18.
- Lash Injection Mascara -- I haven't even used this one yet. I have enough mascaras right now so I'm keeping it on the side until I need more.
- Shadow Insurance -- This stuff works. I had definitely heard good things about it before I even got this so I'm glad it came in the kit.
- Cosmetic Pouch -- Isn't it just so cute with the teal and gold? It's currently in my purse as one of my organizing pouches.

Overall, I am very happy with this kit. I think everything that came in it is worth it and for $45, it's a great price. This is a great option for a gift for one of your friends, sisters, cousins, whoever!

This came free with purchase because I spent more than $25. I was able to choose between four options and I'm glad I chose this one because it is now out of stock.

This was set to come with:
- Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment
- Clean Original Eau de Parfum
- Origins Plantscription
- Living Proof Nourshing Styling Cream
- Urban Decay B6 Complexion Prep Spray
- Too Faced Tinted Beauty Balm
- Peter Thomas Roth Oillness Oil
- Buxom Lash Mascara
- Makeup Bag

It came with all except the Peter Roth Oillness Oil. Instead it came with Living Proof Prime Style Extender. Am I upset about this? Not really, I think it would have been good either way.

I'm currently using the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment and the Buxom Lash Mascara. I absolutely love the Fresh Lip Treatment options but the prices of them are quiet high. Luckily I got two sample sizes for my birthday and this one, so I should be good for a while. I decided to use the Buxom Lash Mascara instead of the Too Faced one because as soon as I saw the brush, I fell in love. It is great for the type of lashes I have. I already have really long and really black lashes so what I really needed was something to separate the lashes and too many mascaras just clump them. Buxom has been perfect!

I can't wait to try the other samples, especially the Living Proof products. I'm also almost, very tempted to buy some more things and try out one of the other free sample bags.

As far as the four perfume samples go, two were men and two were women. I haven't tried the women's one yet but my boyfriend did try his. He liked the YSL L'Homme Libre, which I'm not surprised about because he LOVES the regular YSL L'Homme. The Burberry Brit Rhythm ended up in the trash right away, he was not a fan.

I'm almost tempted to say that I'm too happy with this Sephora Purchase. Not only was everything awesome but the package arrived in three days, THREE! Can I just go buy more stuff now?

Something else I'd like to tell you about, my Clarisonic online purchase. When I first bought my Clarisonic, I got a coupon saying that my first online order over $50 would be 50% off. It's been almost three months since I got it so I decided to buy a twin pack of replacement heads and a travel bag. I was also very happy that the package arrived so quick, three days. But hey, it wasn't what I ordered. It was a new charger. I called them and spoke to a nice lady who said they would email me a return label for what I was sent and a confirmation and tracking code for what I originally ordered. She also apologized for the mistake and put a 20% off onto my account for my next purchase. A week later, no label and no confirmation. I was annoyed. I was especially annoyed because the girl on the phone was actually really nice so I didn't want to get mad at her. So exactly a week later I called them back (and talked to another really nice lady) and told them I hadn't heard from them or received the two emails (and package) they told me I'd be getting. Later that day the package arrived at my door with the proper order and no expectations of it arriving that day. I still haven't gotten an email regarding a return label so I guess I also got a new charger. Even though both ladies were nice, I wasn't too thrilled with the mistake and the lack of follow up. I think next time, I'll just go to the store.

I realize this post is much longer than it needed to be so I'll end it here. My next post is something I have been waiting patiently to write about, monthly subscriptions! Yay! So keep an eye out. Until then, have a good week and I'll talk to you soon!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Shawarma Recipe

Hello All! It's time for another recipe! Tonight we will be doing Shawarma, which is a traditional Lebanese meat recipe which become even more famous due to the movie The Avengers. 

Iron Man: Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shawarma? There's a Shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it.
Thor: W'ere not finished yet.
Iron Man: And then Shawarma after.

Haha, I loved that part! Anyway, to the recipe we go.

Now my issue with this recipe is my aunt taught it to me, and the bad thing about learning from her and my mom is it’s a lot by instinct. No measurements, nothing. So I will post the recipe from Mama’s Lebanese Kitchen and then tell you what I did differently.
Mama’s Recipe:
  • 2 lbs of fatty beef cuts (roast cut/steak cuts/butter steak…)
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon cloves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon cumin
  • ½ teaspoon caraway (ground fennel)
  • ½ teaspoon cardamon
  • ½ teaspoon of oregano or thyme
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon crushed peppercorn
  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger


Shawarma Marinade

1. Mix the spices along with the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in a blender for a couple of minutes. Don’t mix in the olive oil yet.
2. Cut the beef into chunks of 4 inches long by no more than ⅔ inch in thickness.
3. In a bowl, rub the meat with the marinade, sprinkle a bit of olive oil then rub again, cover and let marinate overnight in the fridge.

Grilling Shawarma: Oven Roasting

1. Lay the shawarma chunks in a Pyrex tray with a bit of marinade, cover the trap tightly with aluminum foil, then gently bake at 270-300F for 2 hours.
2. Once cooked, shred the meat on a cutting board and serve hot. This roasting method will make the meat very tender and juicy and will almost fall apart.

My Recipe:

  • 3 pounds rib-eye
  • 10 pearl onions
  • 1 package cherry tomatoes
  • Abido Spices – Shawarma (Allspice, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Ginger, Citric Acid, Cloves, Cardamun, Sumac)
  • Cumin
  • Olive Oil

For my recipe, I used rib-eye. I did this because rib-eye can be a little fatty, and since I wanted to use less oil, the fat will help keep the flavor. I used two packages, about 3 pounds, of meat.
Cooking Instructions:
1. Cut up the meat as thin as possible, keeping them around 2-3 inches long
2. Place in aluminum baking pan
3. Add Abido Spices and cumin to meat and mix. Add cherry tomatoes, peeled pearl onions and place whole into the pan with meat and enough olive oil to mix meat and have it all covered (lightly) and a bit on the bottom.
4. Preheat oven to 450. While oven is preheating, let the meat sit out so it can marinate with the spices and oil.
5. Once oven is preheated, place pan in the oven for about 15 minutes
6. After 15 minutes, take out and mix then place it back in the oven for another 15 minutes

After the meat is finished, you can serve it with either
  • Homemade french fries
  • Pita bread
  • Rice

If you want to make it with the traditional Tahini sauce, here is the recipe:

Tahini Sauce Ingredients
  • 2 teaspoons of Tahini paste
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 3 gloves of garlic, crushed
  • A dash of Salt

Preparing the Tahini Sauce

1. In a small bowl, whisk the the Tahini paste, crushed garlic, lemon juice and salt until you turn the paste into a sauce.

I decided to eat mine with Lebanese style rice. The reason it’s Lebanese style and not just plain rice is because we use long grain rice with vermicelli noodles. 

  • Brown vermicelli (as much or as little as you like, but don’t use TOO much) in vegetable oil
  • Once browned, I cooked one cup rice per normal cooking instructions

Here is my final product:

I’m really happy how it all turned out! Next time, I will have my aunt be more specific with measurements. Also, the next time I will try cooking the shawarma a little differently, as there are many different ways to cook it. I hope you all like it! Talk to you all soon.