Friday, September 13, 2013

My Daily Skincare Routine

Hello and Happy Friday! I meant to write this post a few days ago but I've been busy. I really need to get some discipline with this! I write this as I sit on a 6 am flight, sipping on my Bloody Mary mix. And thankfully/luckily, it's quiet.

Today I'm talking abut skincare! As I posted in my Labor Day Shopping post, I finally joined the Clarisonic club, woohoo. And I'll also share what else I use, because I'm definitely not lucky enough to just use the Clarisonic.

After doing my research, I decided on the Mia 2. I chose this one for a couple different reasons. It has two speeds, a timer and a battery light. You use the Clarisonic for one minute and 40 seconds of that is for your t-zone and the other 20 seconds is for your cheeks. While using it, you really can't tell how long it's been so this is where the time REALLY comes in handy. You start 20 seconds on your forehead *buzzbuzz*, 20 for your nose and chin *buzzbuzz*, 10 for one cheek *buzzbuzz*, and 10 for the other *turns off*. The light also notifies you on when it's time to charge and when it's done charging. I wash/rinse the head after every use (Yes, it's obvious that you should, but some don't) and should be changed every 3 months. Even though the Mia 2 is not advertised for the body, you can buy an extra head (regular not sensitive brush) and still use it.

Before I hop into my routine, let me tell you about my skin. I am combination and I mean, super combination. My t-zone gets really oily throughout the day and no matter what, my cheeks get really dry at night. Even though this all works for me and I have heard people of all skin types using these products, everyone should test and try until they find a routine they like and works for them. 

Both morning and night I start with my Aveeno Clear Complexion Cream Cleanser. It's really good for removing makeup and scrubbing out all of the dirt and oil that has been building up. I then use my Mia 2 with Philosophy's Purity cleanser. I have heard from so many people how great it goes with the Clarisonic, and they're right. The match makes your skin incredibly soft. I then use Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer. -- I know I should be using something with SPF but my super sensitive nose can't handle the smell of it all the time.

There are also a couple different products that I use for when I get bad breakouts, which I only use in the evening. I use the Clinique Acne Solutions which has a cleanser, toner, moisturizer and spot treatment. I still use my Aveeno moisturizer between the Clinique one and the spot gel because this system sometimes really dries out my skin. That's also why I do not recommend using this every day. I also use Mario Badescu Drying Lotion for my "OMG, where did this come from?" pimples. It is amazing, ah-mazing, and highly recommend it to everyone.

One last thing I would like to bring up is the dreaded "Clarisonic Purge" that a lot of people talk about. Within the first couple weeks you can breakout pretty bad because all the dirt and oil that has been trapped in your skin is coming to the surface. Did this happen to me? Yes. Was it horrible? Eh, not so much. I predicted that my purge would be on my t-zone and I was dead on. The only part that's horrible is that I currently have a reindeer nose, ah! I am totally okay with this breakout because I know it'll get better!

I am, however, looking for a really good night cream. I need something hydrating for my skin but haven't found anything I love just yet. If yoyo have some suggestions, I'd love to hear them! What kind of products do you use for your daily routine?

Happy Weekend, talk to you all soon!


  1. So jealous you have a Clarisonic! I have the same skin as you, I need to go purchase that drying lotion :)

    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

    1. Oh, you must get the Clarisonic and the drying lotion. They work wonders. And the Clarisonic makes your skin so silky smooth, Mike won't be able to stop touching your face!
