Saturday, September 28, 2013

First Four of Fall

Yes, my first official Fall post! Last Sunday was officially the first day of Fall but let's be real, we don't need a start date. It was Fall about three weeks ago. Football started, Fall decor was put on display, good TV is back and finally, the weather started to cool down.

So to honor the start of the season I'm going to share my first four favorites of Fall.

1. A week and a half ago I saw that Bath & Body Works had an online sale. $6 Fall favorites, 25% off your total and only $1 shipping. Say what?! I had been looking for the Fall body products in store but they kept telling me they didn't have them yet and only had the candles and soaps so far. I kept checking but no luck. So when I saw this deal online, I took advantage. Best part, I only paid $29 for all of this, which we clearly know is way more than that.

2. I'm sure by now you have seen the new M&M Pumpkin Spice. I actually found these about three weeks ago at Target when they were first putting them out. I knew that they were new but I didn't think too much of it. I got a bag and texted a bunch of my friends asking if they have seen them yet. As soon as I finished the first bag, I went back to Target and they were GONE and I know why. They are really, really good. The pumpkin spice flavor is subtle so it's not too overpowering. These M&Ms are exclusive to Target so I just had to keep checking back. I (obviously) found some and also got this adorable chevron cat tin to put them in. This find was in the wonderful $1-$3 section at Target.

3. Dark polish! Yay dark polish! Now I can throw on some darkness and not seem so emo. This color is Midnight Cami which is a dark, deep blue. I kept debating about which new colors to get because they also have some nice purples. So I decided to start with this and then next week I'll just switch to another. ;) I am still looking for some tips on how to keep your nail polish from chipping so quickly. A friend mentioned dipping your fingers in vinegar. Have you heard this before? Do you have any tips?

4. Fun socks, oh do I love fun socks! I have a huge collection of socks for any occasion. My boyfriend thinks I'm absolutely insane but that's ok. Unfortunately, I haven't found any new socks yet but I'm sure I will soon.

I could go on for a long time about my love of anything Fall but I won't, just yet. What kind of Fall favorites do you have? 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Talk to you all soon!

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