Friday, December 27, 2013

Favorite Commercials/Ads of 2013

One thing about me is I love commercials with real effort and meaning put into them. I've put a list of my favorite commercials/ads of 2013. Most are emotional/meaningful but there are a few funny too. They are in no particular order but they're all great. Here we go!

1. Guinness Friendship

When I first saw this commercial, I wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen or how it related to beer but when everyone stood up out of the wheelchairs except for one, I realized. True friends will stick by and do anything to support eachother. Love it.

2. Extra Origami

OK - I LOVE how touching this GUM commercial is. Whoever thought of it is a genius. I cried the first time I saw this and I still tear up everytime it comes on. Something about a father and his daughter always tugs on my heart. I see this and text my dad. No matter how much I grow up, no matter how far we are from eachother, I'll always be his little girl. - Also, whoever made all those origami pieces definitely deserves major kudos.

3. Dove Beauty Campaign

Dove does great things for women. They truly want women to see themselves in a better and more positive light. This campaign is just amazing. It really made me think of how I would describe myself compared to someone else. Most people have seen the version I posted above, which is 3 minutes, but there is also a longer, 6 minute version. Ladies, you're more beautiful than you think!

4. Target College Acceptance

This commercial makes me so happy. Target has always donated money to schools but I'm not sure how many people actually now that. This was their way to let people know that they do but this commercial means so much more. It shows us the way students and parents feel when they read those words, when they realize their lives are changing and they're receiving the opportunity to go to college.

5. Apple Holiday

In my teen years, I never got to spend many holidays with my family and I'm an only child, so I was always bored. This commercial though, oh goodness, it's amazing. It made me want to spend time with my cousins and big family and have a blast. The commercial itself says a lot though. Teens love their smartphones. The kid looked miserable the entire time until we realized what he was doing, making a home video. A lot of people are saying negative things about this commercial stating it just proves how technology distances people from the real world, but that clearly wasn't the message of this commercial. Haters gonna hate. I loved it.

6. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split

If you haven't seen this by now, there's a problem. This commercial blew up faster than the eye could blink. 65+ million views in a little over ONE month. Volvo did an amazing job showing off their product with one of the biggest names in martial arts films EVER. JEEZ, this commercial = mind blown. Volvo + Jean-Claude Van Damme + Enya = amazingness. Enough said.

7. Geico Hump Day

Hahahahha, just haha. The commercial is actually kind of stupid but it's just too funny not to give credit to.

8. Robinson Pals

Robinsons is a British brand, so I'm sure many of you haven't seen this but it's a great commercial. Two kids playing and having the day of their lives together, turns out one is actually the father. Believe it or not, kids actually love playing with their parents (when they're fun parents :P).

9. Kia Hamsters - Applause

You know a commercial is good when you hear a song from the commercial and think of the product and not the singer. I hear applause, I think the Kia Hamsters not Lady Gaga. Also, when someone says "Kia Soul" I think Hamsters, not the car.

10. Giving is the Best Communication - Thai

I don't know how I came across this commercial nor do I even know who made the ad. One thing I do know, is this is beautiful. The story, the message, the phrase "Giving is the Best Communication" is amazing. Be good to others.

11. Chipotle Scarecrow

I just saw this about a week ago, but it was beautifully done with its animation. Chipotle made this as an ad for themselves and an ad for their new scarecrow game. It's been on every single "best commercial" ad I've seen.

12. GoldieBox Girls

This commercial is just too cute. Girls are more than tutus and tiaras. Cute, right?

There are a ton of more great commercials from this year, but these are probably my top favorites. What do you all think? Any commercials that you absolutely love and I missed? -- What will be on my next favorites of 2013? You'll have to wait and see!

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