Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Lack of Posts - The Truth

Hello All!

I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday break, vacation, New Year and any other adventure you've had in the past few weeks. Today I'm here to post my first "real" post. By real I mean emotion, no recipes, no pictures/videos, etc. I want to talk about the reason why I don't post so often. The reason why sometimes I have a couple posts in one week and why I go MIA for a couple weeks after.

Here's the truth: I can't find my niche. There are many common factors that I find in the blogs I come across: motherhood, marriage, fashion, home decor, cooking, fitness and adventure. There are 1.5 of the mentioned that I feel I truly relate to. First let me talk about the ones I don't fit in with.

Let's start with this. I'm 24, in a serious relationship (3 years in March) and I still live with my mom. Therefore, I am not married, do not have children (not that you need to be married to do so), I do not have my own place (yet) and I am not fashionable enough to share my fashion with the world. I'm also not that adventurous, even though I'd like to be. I feel that most of the amazing blogs I come across are mommy-bloggers, ladies planning their weddings, gushing about their new home decor, etc. I can't wait to be that gal but for now, I'm not.

The things I do relate to are food (1 point) and fitness (.5 point). If you do read my blog you'll see I post quite a bit of recipes. I love to cook but it can often be hard as I share a tiny kitchen with my mother who just so happens to have a reason to be in the kitchen whenever I am in there. As far as the fitness goes, I read fitness blogs and can apply tips to myself at this time (I don't have to pin it and wait a couple years to do it) but I don't write about it.

I will definitely keep up with my recipe posting but there will be other things I need to start posting about. Until now I veered away from posting about random thoughts that come to mind or popculture, headlines, etc. My last blog (I had it for a couple years) I would post a lot about popculture and it really worked for me. So why did I stop? I honestly have no idea. I guess I figured people just like short, straight to the point posts with pictures and videos. I've decided to go back to my old ways.

My first New Years Resolution is to put more effort and time into my blog. I love it and I want it to be successful in my blogging so I need to put my heart into it and not just let it drift away. I will also put more time into finding and reading other people's blogs. (Side note: One thing I really wish blogspot would make is a more advanced search engine. - I think this would really benefit me, and others, in finding blogs they are able to relate to more. They should also delete the thousands of blogs that haven't been written on in YEARS but that's a completely different rant.)

That will be one of my top resolutions for 2014. I will follow up with a post all about my New Years Resolution(s) and why 2014 WILL be my year! Until then -- talk to you soon!

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