Thursday, January 9, 2014

My New Years Resolutions

It's time for me to share my resolutions for 2014. I'm one of those people that if I write out my goals I am more likely to accomplish them. I can come back and look at them, keep track and once it's out there, I tell myself "now I have to do it!" - So here we go.

1. Work harder on my blog - As I mentioned it in my last post, I really want to be successful at blogging and give my blog a good life. I'm having trouble finding my niche but I think I'm slowly getting there. I'm also now looking at it in a different way. I'm currently not the engaged, married, a homeowner, etc but one day I will be. I realized it's a good thing that I've started my blog before all of this so then I can track all of it and be able to look at all of it.

2. Health and fitness - Last year I was doing really well with my fitness, I was in the gym a lot and then BOOM, I got very sick. I spent two weeks in the hospital, a total of five weeks sick RIGHT in the middle of summer. When I was in the hospital it was the point that I was getting pretty gauntly because I was barely eating. After I was cleared and feeling better, I just couldn't get myself to go to the gym and I started eating again and gained a ton of weight. This year I am determined to get myself back on track and sticking to it, no matter what.

3. Keeping track of my finances - Now that I have a job in my field, a salary paycheck, and real world bills, I'm going to get myself on track. I made myself a pretty awesome excel spreadsheet and listed EVERYTHING. It is honestly one of the most scary things I've looked at recently. One of the scariest things to me is the possibility of ruining my credit and not being able to be stable financially.

4. 30 Before 30 - This year I will be 25. That (obviously) leaves me 5 years until my 30th birthday and I still have 28 things to mark off my list. This year I am going to go for FIVE more things on my list. I don't know which ones yet but it'll happen.

5. Inner peace - I want to focus myself on my inner peace. I want to try to relieve some of the stress in my life and try to make myself a happier person. I truly believe if I can just get rid of some of the massive amounts of stress in my life it will make me a much happier person mentally, it will help me being on track with my health and it will overall help me with every aspect of my life. Maybe I'll start with some yoga?

I have a few other things on my list but they're not major so I'm not going to go into detail about them. All I know is, I have never said "New Year, New Me" but I'm going to say it this year. I will be 25, major milestone, and I am going to make this an ah-mazing year. With the year I had in 2013, I think God will be guiding me into a better year. I can't wait to see what comes my way. I can't wait to accomplish my resolutions, hopes and goals of this year and I hope the same for you!

Talk to you soon.

1 comment :

  1. I wish you all the luck on fulfilling your resolutions! :)
    I'm working on my health too. It's time to get rid of bad habits!

    Jamie Kate
    Sweater Weather Giveaway! All Around Chekwa x
