Thursday, December 26, 2013

Belated Happy Holidays

Hi! I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas and holiday, I know I did. Gosh, I really got wrapped up in the holidays and went MIA on blogging even though my plan was to blog more! But even more than that, a lot has happened in my life this month.

Let's start with Christmas!
This is our happy little tree. You may have seen it on my IG if you follow me. My boyfriend and I don't live together but he has the basement to himself so we set up out tree and put all our presents underneath it. This is our third year using this tree and it is just so stinkin' cute.

And here we are in front of his parents' tree. Our Christmas involved balancing my family and his. We're getting better at it every year so that's good. We just can't wait until we have our own place. -- I wish we would have taken more pictures, but that's ok. We had a great Christmas this year and I hope you all did too!

Big life news!
As I previously mentioned, I got a new job. I am beyond thrilled. I started the second week of December and it has been amazing so far. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful. This company is just beyond amazing and I am so blessed and honored to be given this opportunity and I'm finally able to get my career started. This is officially the first thing I get to scratch off my 30 Before 30 list!

I also get to scratch off a second thing. I bought a new car! A BRAND-SPANKEN-NEW car. I am so happy and excited! I had been saving and waiting to start my new job so I would be able to do this and it finally happened. I'll have to take a picture and post it but weeee, making big girl moves. This is awesome! 

I can't wait to be able to cross more off my list. I'm planning to do a couple more things in the next few months so I'm really excited.

Anyway, I am going to head off for now and go read up on others' amazing holiday posts. Talk to you all soon!

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