Thursday, October 10, 2013

Got Books?

Gosh, I am so horrible. I can't believe I haven't posted in a week! The weather this week has been so bipolar and it's made me so unproductive. First it was in the mid-high 80's then all of a sudden it was in the 60's with pouring rain. This evening I got home from and immediately walked to my bed and took an hour nap. I'm horrible, I know. But on to my post!

I love to read but unfortunately, I don't always get the time to do so. But when I do have time, I like talking to others to see what kind of books they're interested in and what I should read next. So I've decided to talk with all of you and share with you the books I enjoyed growing up and some I am and plan on reading. 

The Clique Series by Lisi Harrison
For ages: 12-16

This book came out in 2004 when I was 15. I started reading it when I found it when I went to the library once and decided to give it a go. It's about four friends who run their middle school. Their families are wealthy and they get whatever they want. The leader of their "Clique" is thrown a curve ball when the family of her father's best friend must move into their guesthouse and she must accept and introduce their "poor" and geeky same-aged daughter into their group. - It's definitely a book that pre-teens and early teens would like. The series has ended with a total of 21 books. I read about 7 of them before I got "too old" for them. If you know a young reader who loves to go through books, these are fun and quick.

Any book by Sarah Dessen
For ages: 15-20

I love basically any book by Sarah Dessen. Her books are great for teenage girls trying to figure out life, high school and how to deal with boys. My first Sarah Dessen book was Just Listen and I loved it. It's about an ex-popular girl with complicated sisters who bonds with the bad boy in school. I really feel like Dessen does such an amazing job connecting her readers to the characters. If you don't know who she is, maybe this would help - Two of her books, Someone Like You and That Summer were combined and made into a movie featuring Mandy Moore, How to Deal. She's great, she really is. I still read her new books every once in a while.

The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty
For ages: 15 +

This is the perfect series for a young lady truly trying to experience life all while reading a book. This series first came out in 2001 and finished in 2009 with the fifth book. It follows the main character, Jessica Darling throughout high school, college and after. It starts when she's 16 and ends when she's, well, to be honest, I haven't even finished the series. Is that bad that I'm recommending a series I haven't even finished? I'm currently re-reading the third book but I do have the fourth and fifth on hand. Besides everything in the first couple books being so relatable to a teenage girl, I'm sure they'll be just as relatable for a college girl. I would have to say that because of the spacing in all of the publications, I liked that I aged with Jessica Darling, so it was as if she was a friend.

Dare Me by Megan Abbott
Ages: 16+

This is my currently reading book. And by currently reading, I mean, I'm only about 50 pages in. Sometime last week I was roaming around Target, like I normally do, and decided to take a stroll down the book aisle. I came along this one. So far, the photo is ridiculously deceiving, even to the plot description. The book is about some high school cheerleaders who have issues with their new coach and one of them goes to an extreme and does something "bad". What's bad? I'm not sure just yet! See, that's not a crazy plot that requires a girl biting her lip on the cover. Not yet, at least. I decided to pick this up because I was looking for a quick read that I could take to work and being an ex-cheerleader, I thought, why not.

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

This, this is my next to read book. I have heard amazing things about this book and am looking forward to reading it. From what I hear, it is about a complicated relationship that grows between a woman who has taken on the task of caring for a recent quadriplegic who was once a playboy millionaire. - This book definitely seems like an interesting read.

These are just a few of my past, present and future books. I love pulling out a book and relaxing in bed or cuddled on the couch. I'm also one of those people who loves to smell a new book. Am I strange? No!

What kind of books are you in to, love, want to read? Any books I should totally avoid? Let me know your thoughts! Talk to you soon. :)


  1. Amen to the bipolar weather! We were in the high 70's the beginning of last week and then dropped to the 40's (and even got snow, yuck!) by the end of the week! This week should be in the 60's so here's hoping it stays that way!
    I've been needing something new to read! Checking these out!

    1. Yes! Wouldn't some steady weather be nice? I hope you find an inspiration in my list of books!

  2. Oh my gosh... The Clique!? That was my FAVORITE book series growing up!! Ah, am I too old to go read it again?! I also used to be obsessed with Pretty Little Liars before it was a tv show. The books were so amazing... I could read an entire book in a day!

    1. So glad to find someone else who enjoyed The Clique! My mom read them after I did. So, no, you're not too old! I secretly would like to finish the whole series, haha.
