Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

This is officially my first Five on Friday post. I'm not sure if there's a right or wrong with this but I'm just going to go with it.

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One - Two months until Christmas
Am I allowed to say that? I said it this morning and got "a look". Well poo on them because I am excited, beyond excited about Christmas and the holiday season. I've already been listening to a little Christmas music, well, more than a little.. but I'm ready for it to be November and socially acceptable for my holiday loving habits.

Two - Fun-filled weekend
Tomorrow morning I will be walking the Alzheimer's Walk at the National Mall in DC followed by a brunch with an organization called LadiesDC. This will be the first time I attend a LadiesDC event and I am very much looking forward to it. Saturday afternoon my boyfriend and I will be going bowling and doing some other activities with all of his cousins. And for Sunday, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my last shot to get to the pumpkin patch. Either way, it will be a fun weekend and I'm very excited.

Three - Camera Fever
Now that I'm steadily back into blogging, I'm trying to find new and different ways to build it up. I have been wanting one of those fancy cameras for quiet a while but couldn't bring myself to buy one without a good cause. Now that I'm blogging and see how horrible some of my iPhone pictures end up, I've decided that I now have a valid reason to buy one. The other day I was at my aunt's and I mentioned it and my cousin said "Well, why don't you take mine for a couple weeks and see how you like it?" Why, of course! Thank you for the offer sweet cousin. So during my busy weekend I will have his Canon Rebel T1i by my side/around my neck. I can't wait to use it and I'm sure I'll just love it!

Four - Boots
FINALLY! Finally it is getting cold. I love the cold! I feel there's so much more you can do with your clothes with different layers and accessorizing and what not. It's also time for me to pull out my leggings and all my boots! I have six pairs of Uggs (and before you say they're ugly, I don't care! They're comfortable and warm.) of different styles, a pair of black Ralph Lauren riding boots and my latest addition.. brown Tory Burch riding boots! One thing my mother has always told me is it's ok to spend a lot of money on shoes if they're a good quality and will last you a long time. And as far as boots are concerned, I have large calves and always have a problem finding ones that don't squeeze the living daylight out of my legs or even just ones that go over my calves. These not only fit over my calves, they also fit when I'm wearing jeans! I've finally found a match made in shoe heaven.

Five - Fuddruckers
Yes, I'm posting about a restaurant. I have been craving Fuddruckers all week so my awesome boyfriend said we would go this evening. Incase you don't know what Fuddruckers is, it's an awesome burger place. They give you just the burger and cooked toppings (cheese, grilled onions, bacon, etc) and then you do the rest at their garden bar which has just about everything (tomatoes, onion, lettuce, pico, different types of pickles, all types of condiments, etc). And their fries, oh their fries are just amazing. They're seasoned wedges and I could eat like a thousand of them at a time (obviously exaggerated).
Well, this wasn't so hard? I'll definitely be doing this again! I hope you all have an amazing weekend. Talk to you soon!

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