Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween at Falcons

Hello, hello! I hope you've all had a fabulous Halloween! All the festivities I participated in were through work and it was a blast.

Incase you don't know, I currently work at a retirement community for retired military officers and it is awesome. I've been there for 7 years now so I'm very active in participating in resident and employee activities. On Tuesday we had a Doggy Costume Halloween Show. Anyone with a dog could participate and would dress up their dog and head down to the Assisted Living area and strut their stuff on the runway. Here are some of our lovely participants.
Seriously, how cute are these dogs?! This wasn't at all a contest. It was something to make some of our assisted living residents smile and boy did it work.

Then on Thursday we did our employee Halloween party. We had a costume contest and a pumpkin carving contest. Our judges were a few or our independent living residents so we really had to impress. Here are some of the costumes of the day.
There were many, many more but these are the only ones I was able to get pictures of. It's super funny though because there were four different categories: scariest, funniest, prettiest and what is it. My friend and I were Buzz & Woody and decided to be in the What is it category because way too many residents asked us who we were. Yeah, we won. Apparently almost none of them had every watched Toy Story, who knew?

And for the pumpkin carving contest, here is what we had.

My pumpkin also won for the funniest category. Since I'm technically in the security department I decided to make a pumpkin with my manager in jail and our CEO as the warden. I must say, it was pretty funny. Don't worry, I got prior approval from the CEO before I stuck anyone's picture on a Mr. Potato Head. Here it is!

Seriously, this week at work was so fun. I also got many different ideas for future Halloween activities and am already excited for next year. -- I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and one as fun as I had!

And for a few side notes, I finally am off the Ipsy waiting list and will be receiving my first one this month. Also, the Starbucks red cups are out. I most definitely went and got my first Peppermint Mocha of the season. I can't wait to start blogging the heck out of this Holiday Season! Talk to you all soon.


  1. This is awesome! You guys go all out for Halloween- love it! The costumes are great and could those dogs be any cuter all dressed up?!

    1. Yes! My company is very big on employee fun! The dogs were definitely the best part of the week, they were so cute and all so excited!

  2. Replies
    1. I know, aren't they? And all the dogs totally loved their costumes too!
