Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Easy Fried Rice

Hello All! Tonight I decided to share one of my own recipes. Yesterday while I was making dinner I realized I was craving fried rice (yes, I think about future meals before I even have my next one) so I figured I could finally share one of my recipes with you all! 

This is seriously the easiest Fried Rice ever. So easy that I'm not even going to give measurements. Yup, that's right. Here we go!

Rice (One-three days old - don't ask why)
Meat (Today I used ground turkey)
Celery - chopped
Zucchini - chopped
Carrots - chopped
Onion - chopped
Garlic - diced (I used two cloves)
Soy Sauce (Mine is low sodium)
Sriracha (If you like a bit of spiciness)

12" Sauté Pan
Wooden Spoon

1. Cook meat with a bit of oil, garlic and seasoning of choice. I just used salt and pepper and added a bit of soy sauce and sriracha to the meat.
2. Once the meat is fully cooked, add all of the veggies and cook until veggies are at your preferred tenderness.
3. Push cooked meat and veggies to the side (luckily your pan is so big!) and scramble the eggs on the side.
4. Once all the previous ingredients are fully cooked add the rice and a bit of oil. (Now you know why you needed such a big pan) This is where the "frying" part happens and you'll know the frying is happening when you hear a bit of crackling.
5. Add in soy sauce and sriracha to flavor.
6. Put in a bowl and eat!

Seriously, is this ridiculously easy. The reason I don't measure is because it's the perfect "what's in my fridge" meal. I used my veggies of preference but if there's others in the fridge, I might use them. I'm not sure why the rice should be a couple days old but apparently that's just how it's really done. Also, my mom has always told me "Cooking is an art, baking is a science" So when I cook, I can do whatever I like to make it delicious. I must say though, with fried rice, it all adds up. You definitely will not need huge portions of everything because once everything has been combined and cooked, you definitely say, "Wow, that's a lot!"

And for some side dishes I made some edamame with sea salt (I have an edamame obsession!) and spring rolls. My little secret is that the spring rolls are Lean Cuisine - Garlic Chicken Spring Rolls and they are seriously amazing. Three of them are only 200 calories, you can cook them in the microwave or oven and they turn out crispy either way, and they're just awesome. I only made two for myself and ended up only eating one since I had so much food but you can definitely eat the recommended serving of 3 as a lunch entrée and it'll be good.

The whole dinner only took me about 20 minutes so it's perfect for a night where you don't have too much time. I hope you all enjoy it as much as my boyfriend and I do!


  1. Looks delish! I love fried rice, but never have made my own...might have to try this!

    xo Christina

    1. You definitely need to try this, you'll love it. At least, I hope you do!
