Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Last night a friend and I decided to head to our old High School's district cheerleading competition. Seriously, it caused a huge case of nostalgia. It made us miss the days of being young and not having to worry about anything. Our biggest worry was preparing for our cheerleading competitions and Friday night football games. Oh, it was the good old days.

We hadn't been to a competition in a while and we've been graduated long enough that it's a few years since we've known anyone on the team. We went in not knowing what to expect and having no idea how they would do. We did know that they've advanced to regionals a few times since we've graduated and we of course hoped they would again this year. I took my crummy old digital camera so I could record it. 

The girls placed 4th and advanced to regionals which will be on November 2nd. I hope I'll be able to make it then to see how they do! 

This of course made me go looking through old photos to reminisce. I wish I also had a video of one of our routines to share but I don't. Maybe one day I'll take the DVD my friend's dad made us and see if I can get it online. But for now, these will do.

We were (are) the Titans and that would be the head of our mascot. It was a strange looking Titan and he was only about 5 feet tall, but that's ok!

All of us seniors took a photo with our coach so she'd always remember her favorite group. She left the same year we did to teach in South Korea and we all miss her so much!

Of course the pictures weren't that clear because back in the day cell phones didn't have amazing camera like they do today. Yes, I said "back in the day" as if it was SO long ago but for me, seven years is a lot!

I'm sure you've all gone through one of these phases where you kind of wish you could just go back to High School where there were no worries and take part in all of the activities. What memories throw you back to the old times? Ah, let me go reminisce of other awesome memories.

I hope to have more than one post next week. I'll be having a busy weekend and a lot to share! I'll talk to you all soon!

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