Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sephora Color IQ - Review

Good day!

Last night, after hearing about it a couple weeks ago, I decided to stop into Sephora to try their new "Sephora + Pantone Color IQ". This is a process where they take a little gadget and place it onto a couple different spots on your face and match you with the perfect shade of a foundation.

The way it works is the gadget is put on different parts of your face, usually the forehead, cheek and chin, and it captures and scans your skin and assigns you your Color IQ. All three scans of your face are different numbers which are then put together to give you your overall number. You do not feel anything nor do you hear anything. It is also completely harmless to your skin. However, to do this, you must be wearing no makeup, no tinted moisturizers and no spf. They obviously have makeup remover, if you need.

When the person helping me first did it, he said he needed to do one part again because it was showing I had a red undertone, which I don't. He could tell that I had been in the sun, which made my face a little red. All he needed to do was capture a different part of my face. When he was done he gave my number, which was 1R08, then showed me on their handy iPad all of the foundations that I was matched to. They also emailed it to me so I could look online.

Before I left I walked around the store and went through some of the foundations. I swatched about every inch of my face and half of my arm. There was one foundation I really wanted to purchase and try but of course with my luck, they were out.

When I got home I went online to look more into the given foundations. Which, online, you can filter it to match your specifications (skin type, foundation type, etc). Online when you enter your number in, it doesn't show you your foundation color until you click it. And for a few foundations it gave me two shades, depending if I wanted to do a shade lighter or darker.

Via email, they do tell you your foundation shade. That makes it easy for when you're at the store and need to check real quick.

The foundations they show are only foundations that they sell in store or online. So if you use a brand that they do not carry, they won't be able to give you a shade. Also, you may not match every foundation that they do have. 

I think the process of this Color IQ will definitely come in handy during season changes when you change shades but aren't sure to what. I was told that every Sephora does this, so stop by and give it a try. It's free!

This was a fun little experience and I think you should all try it out. Enjoy!

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