Sunday, August 7, 2016

27, I'm in My Late 20s Now

"Happiness comes out of being willing to do your work in your twenties to find out who you are, what you love." Candace Bushnell

It's been a while, a long while. Why? Because I was lost. Lost in the sense of I didn't want to blog unless I was going to be good at it, I felt like I could only blog about one thing, I wasn't as good as I thought I was when it came to prioritizing my time, and so many other reasons. I even posted, probably a year and a half ago, that I wasn't going to force myself to a specific topic and I was just going to write. That obviously didn't turn out well and admittedly, I still had this idea in my head that made me feel like if I wasn't going to blog well (to my unnecessarily high standards) that I shouldn't blog at all. I give up on that, all of it - mainly because I know I need to get out of my head and just do what I like.

Now I'm 27, well I will be on Tuesday, and I am all about new beginnings. Being 26 was the first full year I had in my twenties where I was single. I also used this as a time to try and "figure myself out". I met new people, a lot of things changed for me, and all of it has been a wonderful learning experience for me but I'm not done yet. I'm nowhere near fully knowing who I am and everything I want, which is why I'll be using 27 to REALLY figure myself out. To go along with this, I even rebranded my blog so here we are, "TBD Tina - A twenty-something trying to figure it out". 

This will be my trip of a lifetime - finding myself, self-love, and everything in between. I'm excited for you all to join me on this journey. 

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