Monday, August 15, 2016

Through The Years

"True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes."

I have some of the greatest friends  around. I know most people think so, but I do too. We've been friends since middle and high school. Our group truly, truly got closer once we graduated HS. Every year since we graduated in 2007, no matter what, we've gotten together for an annual holiday dinner. Some of my lovely ladies have moved, gotten married, had children, or had some other life changing events happen, but we still do a great job at getting together. I believe last year was the first time someone was missing from our dinner so we just FaceTimed her instead. Yay technology. 




Over the weekend I had the chance to be reunited with my girls and per usual, it was a blast. I love that we can all be spread across the country (and since the last photo, across the world) but yet nothing changes when we talk/see eachother. So this post is for nothing more than to appreciate my girls. :)

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