Monday, August 29, 2016

Food Sensitivity Test - When You Actually Have Proof

"People who love to eat are always the best people" - Julia Child

You know that feeling when you eat something and your body just isn't having it? But yet it tasted so good that you ignore it anyway? Yeah, that's how I've been lately. There are foods that I eat, because they're obviously delicious (like cheese), but afterwards I'm just not feeling the greatest. 

For more than two years now, one of my very good friends (who is also a personal trainer) has been telling me to take the Food Sensitivity Test at Life Time Fitness, which is the gym I go to. I never did it because I didn't want to buy in to it, literally. It's a fairly costly test but kept thinking I could do it (lose weight) on my own. Recently my gym bff did it and said she was surprised by the results.  After having long conversations about it, I decided to do more research into it. I searched through the Life Time site, I Googled reviews (which were mainly blog posts), and anything else I could find. Life Time's website read:

Belly fat that you just can’t get rid of. Trouble building muscle or losing muscle tone. Eating like a bird and still gaining weight. Sound familiar? You’ve likely tried many ways to lose weight without lasting success. Lab testing can be the easiest, most cost-effective, scientifically validated way to find out why you haven’t been achieving the results you want.

Yeah, yeah, fine. Take my money. I mean, I always knew that I wasn't doing well with dairy but didn't want to admit it. I just reached the point that I was so sick of not seeing results so I threw the towel in on this one. Maybe, maybe, there was something I just didn't know. 

The process was easy. I paid for the test and they handed me a box. The box contained vials and some information that I needed to take to LabCorp to have them draw my blood. Stopped by a LabCorp with no appointment just a few days later and went on my merry way. Then a few days after that the results were in.

OH MY GOSH. Seriously? My mind was blown by the results. "No way," I thought.. but I guess my blood/body don't lie. There it was, on paper, my sensitivities -- a lot of them.

How it really works: Your blood is run against 96 of the most common food items. Sensitivities are listed 0, 1, 2, and 3. Zero meaning there is no sensitivity and a three meaning you have a severe sensitivity. They also do a CBC (complete blood count) test to evaluate overall health. Included in the test is a meeting with a registered dietitian to go over results.

I met with her, she gave me a color coded spreadsheet and then she broke my heart.

Class 0 are listed in alphabetical order while the others are listed by severity with the result in parenthesis. The foods with results listed next to it in Class 0 are ones that are close to being a Class 1. Class 0 = 0-.199. Class 1 = .2-.299, Class 2 = .3-.399, Class 3 = .4+

This means no gluten, dairy, or eggs for me. That's so tough. I feel like that's most of what makes different foods so delicious. While, yes, some items are across the board, because there is a part of it in severe, I was told to avoid it. For the next three months I am avoiding (at all costs) the above mentioned. I'm trying to keep away from Class 2s and just watch my Class 1s.

I'll periodically do updates on how this is going. I'm planning on starting a new post series with different recipes and foods I can eat. I don't want to make this post excessively long, so if you have any questions, please leave a comment and I'll respond to the best of my knowledge. Until next time..

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