Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

This is officially my first Five on Friday post. I'm not sure if there's a right or wrong with this but I'm just going to go with it.

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One - Two months until Christmas
Am I allowed to say that? I said it this morning and got "a look". Well poo on them because I am excited, beyond excited about Christmas and the holiday season. I've already been listening to a little Christmas music, well, more than a little.. but I'm ready for it to be November and socially acceptable for my holiday loving habits.

Two - Fun-filled weekend
Tomorrow morning I will be walking the Alzheimer's Walk at the National Mall in DC followed by a brunch with an organization called LadiesDC. This will be the first time I attend a LadiesDC event and I am very much looking forward to it. Saturday afternoon my boyfriend and I will be going bowling and doing some other activities with all of his cousins. And for Sunday, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my last shot to get to the pumpkin patch. Either way, it will be a fun weekend and I'm very excited.

Three - Camera Fever
Now that I'm steadily back into blogging, I'm trying to find new and different ways to build it up. I have been wanting one of those fancy cameras for quiet a while but couldn't bring myself to buy one without a good cause. Now that I'm blogging and see how horrible some of my iPhone pictures end up, I've decided that I now have a valid reason to buy one. The other day I was at my aunt's and I mentioned it and my cousin said "Well, why don't you take mine for a couple weeks and see how you like it?" Why, of course! Thank you for the offer sweet cousin. So during my busy weekend I will have his Canon Rebel T1i by my side/around my neck. I can't wait to use it and I'm sure I'll just love it!

Four - Boots
FINALLY! Finally it is getting cold. I love the cold! I feel there's so much more you can do with your clothes with different layers and accessorizing and what not. It's also time for me to pull out my leggings and all my boots! I have six pairs of Uggs (and before you say they're ugly, I don't care! They're comfortable and warm.) of different styles, a pair of black Ralph Lauren riding boots and my latest addition.. brown Tory Burch riding boots! One thing my mother has always told me is it's ok to spend a lot of money on shoes if they're a good quality and will last you a long time. And as far as boots are concerned, I have large calves and always have a problem finding ones that don't squeeze the living daylight out of my legs or even just ones that go over my calves. These not only fit over my calves, they also fit when I'm wearing jeans! I've finally found a match made in shoe heaven.

Five - Fuddruckers
Yes, I'm posting about a restaurant. I have been craving Fuddruckers all week so my awesome boyfriend said we would go this evening. Incase you don't know what Fuddruckers is, it's an awesome burger place. They give you just the burger and cooked toppings (cheese, grilled onions, bacon, etc) and then you do the rest at their garden bar which has just about everything (tomatoes, onion, lettuce, pico, different types of pickles, all types of condiments, etc). And their fries, oh their fries are just amazing. They're seasoned wedges and I could eat like a thousand of them at a time (obviously exaggerated).
Well, this wasn't so hard? I'll definitely be doing this again! I hope you all have an amazing weekend. Talk to you soon!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Last night a friend and I decided to head to our old High School's district cheerleading competition. Seriously, it caused a huge case of nostalgia. It made us miss the days of being young and not having to worry about anything. Our biggest worry was preparing for our cheerleading competitions and Friday night football games. Oh, it was the good old days.

We hadn't been to a competition in a while and we've been graduated long enough that it's a few years since we've known anyone on the team. We went in not knowing what to expect and having no idea how they would do. We did know that they've advanced to regionals a few times since we've graduated and we of course hoped they would again this year. I took my crummy old digital camera so I could record it. 

The girls placed 4th and advanced to regionals which will be on November 2nd. I hope I'll be able to make it then to see how they do! 

This of course made me go looking through old photos to reminisce. I wish I also had a video of one of our routines to share but I don't. Maybe one day I'll take the DVD my friend's dad made us and see if I can get it online. But for now, these will do.

We were (are) the Titans and that would be the head of our mascot. It was a strange looking Titan and he was only about 5 feet tall, but that's ok!

All of us seniors took a photo with our coach so she'd always remember her favorite group. She left the same year we did to teach in South Korea and we all miss her so much!

Of course the pictures weren't that clear because back in the day cell phones didn't have amazing camera like they do today. Yes, I said "back in the day" as if it was SO long ago but for me, seven years is a lot!

I'm sure you've all gone through one of these phases where you kind of wish you could just go back to High School where there were no worries and take part in all of the activities. What memories throw you back to the old times? Ah, let me go reminisce of other awesome memories.

I hope to have more than one post next week. I'll be having a busy weekend and a lot to share! I'll talk to you all soon!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Funday, Chili Day

Hello Everyone! It's Sunday Funday, Football Day! Today I am spending the day with my boyfriend, his brother and his brother's wife, Autumn. Autumn and I love to cook and bake together and do housewife things, even though she's a wife and I'm not (yet).

It's a beautiful sunny Sunday in the mid-50's and a perfect day for chili. The recipe we are using is Autumn's mom's recipe and let me tell you, it is GOOD. It's so good that I asked if I could blog about her recipe and she said yes.

2 packages (32 oz) of your meat of choice (we used turkey)
32 oz kidney beans
32 oz pulled tomatoes
1 large onion
2 tbsp minced garlic (add more to taste)
4 tbsp chili powder
4 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp apple cider or white vinegar
1/2 tsp black pepper
We also got a package of McCormick Chili Hot seasoning mix to add in an extra punch

1. Chop onion and add to skillet with meat, 1 tbsp minced garlic and 2 tbsp chili powder. Cook on medium-high heat while stirring occasionally.
2. While meat is cooking, bring out a large pot. Add into pot: drained kidney beans, tomatoes, rest of ingredients except the McCormick Chili Hot seasoning.
3. Once the meat is finished, add them to the large pot and bring it to a boil.
4. Once it is at a boil and the tomatoes are softened, break them apart. At this point you can add (to taste) the McCormick seasoning to the pot to add spicy taste.
5. Simmer for about 40 minutes or until most of the liquid is gone and voila, you'll be done.

Another addition to her recipe is that you can add hot dogs to the top of the chili about halfway into the boil for them to cook and take in the chili flavor. You can either eat the hotdog with a bun or just cut it up into your chili.

On the side we made a box of Kentucky Kernel Sweet Cornbread. Of course you can cook cornbread from scratch but the whole purpose of this meal was to make it quick and easy to enjoy while watching some football.

We had never had this before and we figured we would give it a go. It turned out being pretty good for a box that was all of $1.50!

Other items we had were Keebler Club mini crackers for the side, and shredded cheese and sour cream to top the chili. We were all so hungry that we seriously just forgot about the cheese and sour cream. 

MmMm, thanks to Autumn and her mom Vikkie for sharing this recipe! It is PERFECT for a day like today. Quick, easy and delicious. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend! Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What's in my Purse?

Hello Everyone! Happy hump day, I hope you're all having a great week! Today's blog will be one that I based off of something I see a lot in magazines. I'm sure bloggers do it too, but I'll go with the magazine idea. It's a "What's in my Purse" post because I'm sure you're all so interested, haha. So here we go!

This is my lovely Tory Burch bag! My boyfriend bought it for me for my birthday this past August. I have been wanting a Tory bag for so long so I was beyond ecstatic when I opened my gift bag and pulled this out. You can find this bag at Bloomingdales, I think Nordstrom has it too but definitely, and obviously, the Tory Burch store has it. This bag is the Robinson Double Zip Tote in Luggage.  

So what's inside? I have my planner and iPad in one of the zippers and they fit perfectly. My wallet is the Michael Kors Jet Set Continental Wallet and I don't even remember what color it is. But it's awesome because it has the perfect amount of card slots and a coin slot (which is a big deal to me). I also keep my eyeglasses case with spray and cleaner in my purse and my glasses are Michael Kors also. The small clear "thing" is one of the containers I posted about in my The Container Store post. I use it to keep bobby pins and hair ties inside for when I'm in need to change my do. I also have a number of pens, headphones, phone charger and two mini bags.

One of my mini bags is basally a small first aid kit. Tissues, band-aids, different medications, female products, eye drops, gum, etc. My second mini bag is my commonly used makeup products. I keep an extra MAC sheer pressed powder, small hair brush, compact mirror and Bath & Body Works Pumpkin Cupcake hand sanitizer. I also have my eyeliner pencil and mascara. I'm definitely going to get an extra eyeliner because they are so hard to keep track of! I also have oil blot sheets which are awesome because I get really oily throughout the day. And to finish off my makeup bag are three lip products. One light pink Maybelline Whispers for when I need just a small amount of color, my bright red Urban Decay Revolution lipstick and of course, Burt's Bees chapstick.

I love being prepared. I love that I never go crazy looking for a tissue, Aleve or chapstick. If I'm bored somewhere, I can just pull out my iPad. And it's WONDERFUL not having to ask someone if they have a, you know, at a certain time of the month. But it's totally okay if you need to ask, I always have something to help someone out!

I can seriously only imagine what will be in my bag once I become a mom! Do I totally have ridiculous amounts of stuff in my purse already? What do you all keep in your purse? I'll talk to you all soon!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Got Books?

Gosh, I am so horrible. I can't believe I haven't posted in a week! The weather this week has been so bipolar and it's made me so unproductive. First it was in the mid-high 80's then all of a sudden it was in the 60's with pouring rain. This evening I got home from and immediately walked to my bed and took an hour nap. I'm horrible, I know. But on to my post!

I love to read but unfortunately, I don't always get the time to do so. But when I do have time, I like talking to others to see what kind of books they're interested in and what I should read next. So I've decided to talk with all of you and share with you the books I enjoyed growing up and some I am and plan on reading. 

The Clique Series by Lisi Harrison
For ages: 12-16

This book came out in 2004 when I was 15. I started reading it when I found it when I went to the library once and decided to give it a go. It's about four friends who run their middle school. Their families are wealthy and they get whatever they want. The leader of their "Clique" is thrown a curve ball when the family of her father's best friend must move into their guesthouse and she must accept and introduce their "poor" and geeky same-aged daughter into their group. - It's definitely a book that pre-teens and early teens would like. The series has ended with a total of 21 books. I read about 7 of them before I got "too old" for them. If you know a young reader who loves to go through books, these are fun and quick.

Any book by Sarah Dessen
For ages: 15-20

I love basically any book by Sarah Dessen. Her books are great for teenage girls trying to figure out life, high school and how to deal with boys. My first Sarah Dessen book was Just Listen and I loved it. It's about an ex-popular girl with complicated sisters who bonds with the bad boy in school. I really feel like Dessen does such an amazing job connecting her readers to the characters. If you don't know who she is, maybe this would help - Two of her books, Someone Like You and That Summer were combined and made into a movie featuring Mandy Moore, How to Deal. She's great, she really is. I still read her new books every once in a while.

The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty
For ages: 15 +

This is the perfect series for a young lady truly trying to experience life all while reading a book. This series first came out in 2001 and finished in 2009 with the fifth book. It follows the main character, Jessica Darling throughout high school, college and after. It starts when she's 16 and ends when she's, well, to be honest, I haven't even finished the series. Is that bad that I'm recommending a series I haven't even finished? I'm currently re-reading the third book but I do have the fourth and fifth on hand. Besides everything in the first couple books being so relatable to a teenage girl, I'm sure they'll be just as relatable for a college girl. I would have to say that because of the spacing in all of the publications, I liked that I aged with Jessica Darling, so it was as if she was a friend.

Dare Me by Megan Abbott
Ages: 16+

This is my currently reading book. And by currently reading, I mean, I'm only about 50 pages in. Sometime last week I was roaming around Target, like I normally do, and decided to take a stroll down the book aisle. I came along this one. So far, the photo is ridiculously deceiving, even to the plot description. The book is about some high school cheerleaders who have issues with their new coach and one of them goes to an extreme and does something "bad". What's bad? I'm not sure just yet! See, that's not a crazy plot that requires a girl biting her lip on the cover. Not yet, at least. I decided to pick this up because I was looking for a quick read that I could take to work and being an ex-cheerleader, I thought, why not.

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

This, this is my next to read book. I have heard amazing things about this book and am looking forward to reading it. From what I hear, it is about a complicated relationship that grows between a woman who has taken on the task of caring for a recent quadriplegic who was once a playboy millionaire. - This book definitely seems like an interesting read.

These are just a few of my past, present and future books. I love pulling out a book and relaxing in bed or cuddled on the couch. I'm also one of those people who loves to smell a new book. Am I strange? No!

What kind of books are you in to, love, want to read? Any books I should totally avoid? Let me know your thoughts! Talk to you soon. :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pumpkin Picks

In honor of October and Fall, I am going to start something I like to call Pinterest Picks. I may or may not have made that up, but it came in my head and I like how it sounded. So for October, here are some of my favorite Pumpkin Picks from Pinterest. Therefore, none of these pictures are my own, just ones that I found on Pinterest and loved. :)

I'm hoping to talk my boyfriend into recreating the photo of the couple at the pumpkin patch. He'll probably think I'm silly but hopefully he'll cave.

I seriously can not wait until I have a place of my own that I can decorate. I love holidays and decorating for them. I want an excuse to put soup inside a mini pumpkin, use pumpkins as plate holders, make pumpkin families and do whatever else I can possibly find on Pinterest. One of these days, it'll happen. But for now, I'll keep admiring!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm All Dolled Up!

I would like to say a big thank you to Chelsea from Bella Lulu Ink for helping me make my blog beautiful. She has been amazing putting this blog design together for me, making so many changes and putting up with me all while she and her husband were moving and house hunting!

Chelsea, I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for all your help!

For anyone looking for a new design or just a few spruce ups, please check out Chelsea's work.

Etsy: Bella Lulu Ink Blogs
Blog: Bella Lulu Ink
Facebook: Bella Lulu Ink on Facebook

Feel free to check her out and tell her how amazing she is!

I would also like to say, since I'm becoming all official and what not, I have begun the hunt for a fancy camera to take better looking photos and potential videos. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Win!

Happy October 1st! Happy almost Halloween. Happy, happy!

Today at work we had a health fair with different vendors taking part. The vendors all gave something that could be given as a door prize. For once, I won something! I also won the one prize I was eyeing the whole time.. A set from Nordstrom!

As soon as they called my name, I was so excited! My mom has been having a terrible week so I wanted to give it to her to cheer her up. As soon as I got home and showed her, she asked why I spent money (her favorite thing to ask) before realizing I won it. She was happy but being a mom, told me I should keep it. We argued about who should keep it then just decided to split it up. But I told her I would only keep what she told me to keep and I would not ask for anything.

We opened it up, and this is what's inside. 

2. Absolue Premium Bx Cream - Mom. And to quote her, "You definitely don't need skin firming yet." Ha!
3. Bienfait Multi-Vital SPF 30 - Me. My mom has been telling me to use a moisturizer with sunscreen, so I guess here it is.
4. Absolue Ultimate Night Bx - Mom. "Oh, you don't need this."

5. Bi-Facil Eye Makeup Remover - Mom. My mother has always lived by this eye makeup remover and coincidentally, she just ran out. This was an automatic. 
6. Hypnôse Drama Mascara - Both. There were two so we each got one.
7. Blush Subtil - Mom. I have enough blush!
8. Color Design Lip, Pink to the Club - Me. My mom said it didn't match her skin tone.
9. Color Design, All in One Palette, Sienna Sultry - Me. I actually wanted to take this one and since my mom doesn't like anything with glitter, I got it.

10. Chanel Allure, 3.4 oz - Me! My mom wasn't crazy about this one, but I was. I liked that it was a lighter sent.

There was also a makeup bag that came with it that was super cute. And since my mom said she has a ton of makeup bags, I got it. Even though the box was basically all Lancôme samples (and a full-size Chanel perfume), I am still very happy with it. I am all about samples! How else will someone know if they like/love something? I want to say a big thank you to Nordstrom for donating this awesome door prize and thank you to the person who pulled my name!

And speaking of boxes, I am still on the Ipsy waiting list! It has been at least three weeks now and I'm still hoping to make it to the October bag. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Talk to you all soon.